Amelia Showalter

Amelia Showalter

You can scroll the shelf using and keys

Excel Training

There may be flashier and more advanced data programs out there, but don’t underestimate the power of Excel to accelerate your everyday work. Amelia developed the following Excel training for Obama campaign staff, and gave the presentation several times in 2012. She was also an official trainer at Netroots Nation 2012.

The training session, which takes about an hour, is designed to be interactive. Participants receive an Excel dataset and a read-along packet. By entering the formulas and manipulating the data in tandem with the presenter, participants get hands-on training in some of Excel’s most useful functions.

  • Microsoft Excel: A rapid-fire interactive training for beginning and intermediate-level Excel users
    • If statements
    • Pivot tables
    • Left, right, concatenate
    • Conditional Formatting
    • Filter and sort
    • Other fun functions and formulas

Reviews of Amelia’s Excel training from Netroots Nation 2012:

NN12_1 NN12_2 NN12_3 NN12_4